What they think it says - So fierce. As fierce as a lion dressed as Paris Hilton, dressed as RuPaul getting euphoric on PCP.
Looks like a gigantic version of something Lil' Wayne would cap his teeth with. Conspicuous and disgusting.

What they think it says - A call back to an earlier, better age. Lose yourself in the chestnut brown, full-grain alligator leather. Luxuriate in the blue steel clock hands.
What kind of self-hating pseud feels the need to play dress up with gadgets? This is just the fraudulent Shoreditch-gentleman equivalent of putting dolls in pretty dresses.

What they think it says - Show fellow cafe-dwellers your cold, hard man-soul. And let them know your name.
Aside from the fact that this probably makes the iPad at least as heavy as a small laptop it also looks like shit.
Dolce and Gabbana iPhone Case and Coin Purse | $545

I'm not an aggressive or violent person but you took one of these out in a public place I would definitely mug you. Not because I wanted the case, or even the dangling logo medallion. But simply because you'd deserve to be harmed.

What they think it says - You'll be the talk of the town once the other over-moneyed nostalgia freaks get a load of your novelty toy. Parp! It's old-timey!
This is an expensive visual gag. One which you will resent having to look at after about three weeks.

1 comment:
Nice iphone 5 cases. Thanks for sharing..
wood iphone 5s case
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