No middle-aged boring man in his right mind would classify Yellow Submarine as a proper Beatles album. But it is a collection of mostly shit songs released under their name. So it will do for the purposes of this badly-researched series of non-articles.
Hey Bulldog itself is a good song. It's got a proper guitar riff, John's singing sounds weird and harsh and it's got one of those awful/great outros where you can here "the guys" in "the studio" having a "great time, just "joshing about". As with everything on Yellow Submarine it actually sounds like it was recorded in a submarine (and not a magical yellow one either - a rusty, depressing one with no toilet) but that just serves to make the song sound pleasantly unnerving.
The rest of the album (in order) plays out as follows: a trying-too-hard George Harrison dirge; an infuriating and lip-bitingly awful McCartney "happy song"; the Beatles' one attempt at an overlong freak-out jam (with po-faces and shit trumpets); and then about fifty instrumental George Martin compositions which sound like the 1960s as imagined by an unseeing, unfeeling floating brain in a jar.

Great songs on forgettable albums #3
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