Hong Kong film-visionary turned Hollywood comedy prop Jackie Chan spoke out against the danger of allowing Chinese people to vote today. Speaking to an audience of Chinese business leaders at a conference in Hong Kong, Chan admitted that "I'm not sure if it's good to have freedom or not".
"I'm gradually beginning to feel that we Chinese need to be controlled," he said. "If we're not being controlled, we'll just do what we want."
Wait a minute... wut? Is this the same Jackie Oswald Chan who spent decades campaigning for the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement throughout the 90s? There's only one sane conclusion to come to here: Chan is living inside one of his movies. A movie that doesn't yet exist. It's a film in which a well-meaning action hero is hypnotised by an evil regime to act against the will of his own people. All of his fans are broken hearted and confused until a young girl (played by Faye Wong circa 1993) working as a government aide goes against her superiors and gives him back his memory. With his original personality restored Chan has to undo the damage he's done... one punch at a time!
I realise that makes little sense but it's harder than you think to plot a vintage Hong Kong action thriller on the fly.

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