Friday, 25 June 2010


It's easy to be cynical about refuseniks, protestors and political agiatators. After all if the government's so corrupt then why are the people so happy? Granted, their happiness is utterly dependent on having an infinite supply of processed food, gonzo pornography and video games to gorge themselves on, but they are happy. At least until the sugar high subsides and the sight of gaping asshole becomes humdrum. Then we're in trouble.

The point is, it's hard to hate The Man sometimes. You have to wait for something to come along which shakes your belief in Him. In many cases that something will be the advertising industry. Sometimes just thinking about the advertising industry is enough to make me wish I was in Discharge or something. These three ads from days gone by do the trick nicely. Sugar? It doesn't make you fat. Beer? It has vitamins! And as for cigarettes, you better start smoking them right now if you want to be an athlete.

I think you know what to do.

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